We are manufacturing one of the finestpanels having ease of operation and easy read out meters as well with completeprotection during testing of Transformer. Distribution Transformer TestingPanel is very useful for Transformer Agencies. Transformer Agencies needs toperform all routine test set like no load test, full load test (Losses Tests),DVDF Test and HV Test. Our panel consists of all these three tests in a singlepanel, all control and metering parts are consists in panel and other peripheralsconnected with panel will perform their role when selected by Test selectionRotary switch. Thermal Protection Relay provided in each stage to preventimmediate short circuit damages. Very easy to operate and any operator could betrained to perform the transformer as a professional. We also provideinstallation and commissioning for the complete laboratory set up at userssite, as well training session for technical staff regarding operation ofPanel as well General routine test of Transformers.